Our PRACTICAL BEEKEEPING INTERMEDIATE Bee Course is running again monthly in Midrand!
I was into beekeeping and got a great start with my beginner course and reading the blue book. I wanted to find out more info about what special equipment could help my bees, what equipment I need to grow my beekeeping and how to make my own bee colonies and the potential business opportunities to make money with beekeeping...
I had questions about how to make new queen bees, how to get pollination business set up and do bee removals and who to sell my honey to. I wanted to have a plan to go from being a hobby beekeeper to someone that can go commercial and make this a business.
"I was able to leave my job and pay the bills"
I struggled finding my way with what direction I wanted to take as I wasn't sure what else can be done with bees to make a great living and even to leave my job. I needed more bees and more queens and started asking about how to do that... Do I buy them? Can I build my apiary with bee removals while charging for that as a service? Can I create my own queen bees and colonies?
What honey extracting equipment and bottling machines do I need and proper harvesting and honey processing steps does it take? Who wants my honey on a large scale and how do I go about properly managing much more colonies?
What examples are there about making a business our of beekeeping and ensuring my bees are properly cared for from a passionate beekeeper that wants to manage and keep bees as a hobby or grow to something bigger and start a commercial bee business making honey, pollinating farms and more.
I finally found a shop near Pretoria that has friendly staff and that are passionate about beekeepers wanting to start beekeeping! They stock all the tools and bee equipment I needed. They EVEN provide Practical Intermediate Beekeeper Training on a monthly basis...!
I bought a bee book, booked myself on a bee course and immediately subscribed to their FREE Bee MAIL Articles and Tips that give amazing in-depth how-to about learning to keep bees!
P.S. You can Subcribe right now to get you started!
Please send through proof of payment to ensure you secure your place and avoid disappointment.
Bee WARE's Practical Beekeeping Intermediate Bee Course!
What happens if I register?
You GET a FULL DAY discovering the NEXT STEP to keep bees!
Simply send us your email, details and name so we can reply with an invoice!
What's the Practical Intermediate Bee Course all about?
THE SHOP IS OPEN 09h00 to 16h00 from Monday to Friday!Saturdays 09h00 -12h30
We recently hosted beginner beekeepers from as far afield as Botswana, Namibia, Kwa-Zulu Natal and Malawi keen to learn about keeping bees! Get involved as a hobbyist or begin a road to commercial bee farming, either way you need to get more knowledge and hands on experience. It's like a test drive before you buy! For a full breakdown of the beginner beekeeping course please see the bee course outline below. As a beekeeper in South Africa keeping bees is very exciting! You can do it too! The full day beekeeping course includes a practical demonstration of working a bee hive as well as theory about beekeeping.
Other products that are available... |
More about beekeeping training |
Beekeeping Project TrainingWe have assisted new beekeeping projects to get off the ground by providing over 20 years of beekeeping experience and knowledge as well as all of the beekeeping equipment required to make a beekeeping project successful! We now provide advisory and support services to the development of beekeeping projects as well as the setting up of new community and rural projects. To get more information regarding these services email or call The New Year is upon us! Happy bee YEAR! in office hours! Landline is +27 61 980 6551 + 083 308 0042 WEEKDAYS. Beekeeping in South Africa has phenomenal potential for promoting biodiversity and food security. |
We Also think you show know this...
We run a beekeeping course from one of three venues:
- Midrand smallholding near Dischem warehouse
Final Venue choice depends on number of students, weather and availability at the time and date of the courses.
The next course date IS 18 April or To be advised following Corona Lock Down
We provide directions to registered beginner beekeepers the week before the Beekeeping course takes place.
It will be for a FULL Day. Starting at 9h00 until late in the afternoon [estimated 18h00]. We will focus on as much hands-on theory as possible with at least an hour session of practical work at a hive.
The PRACTICAL BeeKeeping demo includes each learner removing a frame from a live bee hive and inspecting it. A search for the queen bee and description of comb, drone cells, larvae, eggs and internal workings of the hive. All learners participate in the practical exercise with a live bee hive.
We will be charging R1550 for the course which includes the facilitation and tea and biscuits at the site. Please be sure you purchase necessary equipment such as a bee suit and gloves before coming on the workshop.
Or you can rent a bee suit and gloves for the day for an additional R100pp.
A minimum of 6 candidates is required to run the beekeeping course so be sure to bring a friend!
Always feel free to contact us regarding beekeeping equipment and tips.
Bee Course Dates To be advised monthly
Next Basic Beekeeping Course is on at the To be advised monthly
Practical Intermediate BEE COURSE OUTLINE
Recap of beekeeping in South Africa.
- Associations
- Legislation and
- Registration
- Beekeeping in Africa
Beekeeping Products you can make
- Bee venom
- Propolis
- Beeswax
- Candles
- Skin creams, lotions and beard balms
- Honey
- Creamed honey and Comb honey
- We will make some samples of these on the day with every one!
BEE Stings
- Handling bee stings - kit needed
- Antihestamine tablets
- How to remove properly
- Treatment of Pests
- Ants, hive beetles & wax moth
- Recap of Easy buzzing beekeeping course #1
- Pesticide management
- How to seal a hive for travelling or transfer
Intermediate Beekeeping Practices
- First considerations
- Setting up a catch box to lure bees
- Use Swarm Lures and how to place them inside the box
- Using Refractometer to test your honey
- Extracting, bottling and storing honey on site
- General:
A feeding bees with sugar water for building colony strength - Feeding bees for sustaining them
- Using internal feeder frames
- Using Entrance feeder bottles
- The exact formulas for making feeding solution
- Using Bee Feeding supplements
- Specialised:
Theory and Frequently Asked Questions on Bee removals - Indepth Discussion on Transferring Swarms into bee hives
- Actual Harvesting honey from super frames
- Honey Extraction on site with our extractor
- Honey Storage in buckets and bottles
- Packaging and labelling
Beeswax and other products of the hive:
- Make a lip balm / skin cream with olive oil and beeswax
- Comb honey and how to cut it and bottle it,
- Make Creamed honey
Practical LIVE Field work:
- Indepth hive inspections
- Practical Maintaining of the hive
- Removing wax moth and pests
- Harvesting honey from the supers
- Removing and uncapping sealed honey with uncapping tools to try with uncapping forks, electric uncapping knife and uncapping rollers
- Using a honey extractor to extract the honey on-site
Register Now by Emailing NOW
Practical Intermediate Bee Course OR
Call to make a booking on +27 61 980 6551 + 083 308 0042 NOW.
If you have been on the EASY Buzzing Bee Course (R950)
For hobbyists that skip the Easy Buzzing bee Course Pay R1550
Get the Quantum Bee Course bundle for R2500 together!
That's The Easy buzzing bee course + Practical Intermediate Course for massive discount!